Thank you for taking the next step forward with me. I really enjoyed our time conversing together!

Moving forward, what I want for you is a VA you feel comfortable – and I’d even say safe – with, right down to your bones…whether or not that VA turns out to be me.

With that in mind, your honest answers to the questions below are a way for me to identify whether there is anything in either of our expectations that will raise blisters, rather than the kind of fit that will allow us to move forward together with comfort and ease.

I expect my VA to act as a salesperson (actively seeking sales) for my business.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

I expect my VA to act as a virtual receptionist for my company.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

My VA is unexpectedly out of the office. This is upsetting for me.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

When something goes wrong, I figure out who’s to blame.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

When I’m upset, I yell.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Mistakes are always someone’s fault.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Mistakes show me where to strengthen systems.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

My vendors always receive payment in full from me by their due date.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

I think telling harmless lies is okay.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Things get done efficiently in my business.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

I do not currently have systems in place that work well for me.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

I am committed to running an efficient, effective business.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

If I have a crunch/emergency, I expect my VA to change her availability to help me take care of it.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

I always do what I say I’m going to do.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

If I’m delayed or unable to keep a commitment, I quickly let the involved parties know.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Virtual Assistance was never meant to be the cheap alternative to hiring an employee, but rather the convenient one.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Replying to communication from my VA is always a priority for me.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree

Even in the current economy, I’m moving forward with my business.

 Strongly Agree




 Strongly Disagree
your name:
your email:
Would you like to add to or clarify any of your answers?